
Legal information


Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Tourisme

Email :

Siret No.: 82443386600046 

APE Code: Other organizations operating by voluntary membership (9499Z) 


Legal Representative: Laurent CORNIER



These General Conditions are intended to set out all the conditions of access and use of the website.

Access to and use of the website implies tacit and unreserved acceptance of these Terms by the User in their latest online version.

1 - Service description 

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® offers tourist information on the regions Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Provence Alpes Côté d'Azur to help and inform about La vallée de la Gastronomie - France® on the website.

Concerning the presentation and marketing of holiday offers, La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® acts exclusively as an intermediary in the relationship between users and service providers. This intermediary role is carried out free of charge by La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® with a view to informing the customer. Despite all the attention paid to the choice of these offers, La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® can in no way be held responsible for a failure by the service provider to fulfil its obligations towards the customer.

2 - Design and hosting


La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® website was designed by the Hula Hoop agency and developed by StudioJuillet. 


The website host is the company SCALEWAY

SIREN: 433 115 904 RCS Paris 

Head office: 8 rue de la Ville l’Evêque, 75008 Paris 

Intra-community VAT number: FR 35 433115904 


Phone: +33 (0)1 84 13 00 00 

Fax: +33 (0)899 173 788 (€1.35 per call then €0.34/min) 

3 - Access and availability 

Access to the website is open to anyone wishing to obtain information on the tourist activities of La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France®.

Access to the website is provided on a continuous and permanent basis, except in the event of Force Majeure or events beyond the control of La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France®, and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the website.

Furthermore, due to the nature of the Internet, La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® cannot guarantee the website's functioning 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

4 - Responsibility

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® endeavours to provide users with the most reliable and qualitative information available.

However, La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information published on the website. La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® cannot, therefore, be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage suffered by users or third parties that may be caused by the information published on the website, and more generally, by the consultation and use of the website.

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® displays on the website Offers of stay proposed by service providers in tourism.

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® does not take any part in the commercial relationship between the users of the website and the service providers. The function of La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® is only to present the offers and to put the Users in contact with the said service providers.

Under these conditions, La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered by Users or third parties that may be caused by the information published on the website relating to the stay offers; or by the commercial relationship that may be established with the service providers responsible for marketing these offers.

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® does not monitor the websites connected to this website through hyperlinks, and declines all responsibility for these websites and their content.

5 – Intellectual property

All texts, photos, videos, data, posters, logos, brands and other elements reproduced on the website are reserved and protected by intellectual property law, especially copyright, neighbouring rights, brand rights, and legislation on database protection.

Consequently, no exploitation, distribution, reproduction or other operation on these documents, even partial, may be made without the author's express authorisation, in accordance with articles L 111-1, L 122-1 and L 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Only the legal exceptions provided for in Article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code are authorised, i.e. representation within the family circle, private copying or the right of short quotation (provided in this case that the name of the author and the source are clearly indicated).

Any failure to respect these provisions constitutes counterfeiting and may result in legal proceedings, notably criminal sanctions.

6 – Miscellaneous

If one of the provisions of these Conditions is considered null and void under a legal or regulatory provision, present or future, or of a court decision having the force of res judicata and emanating from a competent court or body; this provision of the contract shall be considered unwritten. All the other provisions of these General Conditions of Use retaining binding force between the Parties.

La Vallée de la Gastronomie - France® reserves the right to unilaterally modify the terms of these Conditions.

The new clauses will govern all future relations between the parties, and only the new version will be valid between them.

The present General Conditions of Use are governed by French law, both for the rules of substance and for the rules of form.

In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to seek an amicable solution before taking legal action.

7 – Credits

Photo credits: refer to the captions of each photo on the website