Cap Couronne Pêche
MartiguesFishing trip at sea or on board with a professional guide (Côte Bleue, Gulf of Fos, Camargue). Courses adapted to your level to allow you to progress. Initiation or improvement, the courses allow you a lasting learning
Experiences suitable for all ages. During a day or half-day of sea fishing, learn the good gestures of sea fishing.
The fish sought: sea bream, pelamide, dentex, sea bream, sea bass / bass, canthe er sars, capon, bonito, squid, rock fish, tasergal, tuna, mackerel, mostelle, lichen amy, conger.
Located in the town of Martigues, Cap Couronne Pêche offers sea fishing excursions with an instructor / fishing guide. "Emotion, Sensation and Conviviality" These fishing courses are tailor-made. The guide accopanies the participants on a private boat. They select the date, the duration and the technique. The guide takes care of the fishing equipment, safety equipment, fuel and bait.The guide accompanies the participants throughout the course. He or she addresses different themes such as ecology: biodiversity, pollution, human impact, corrective actions... history: human, artisanal and industrial activity in the region Gastronomy: the different local specialities, valorisation of the catches with carefully prepared recipes Modern fishing techniques: electronics, rigging, animation and fishing equipment Water sports: good behaviour, gestures, adapting to the marine environment.