paillote ecrin du roure
paillote ecrin du roure
paillote ecrin du roure
paillote ecrin du roure
paillote ecrin du roure
Manoir Le Roure
Manoir Le Roure
paillote ecrin du roure
restaurants and inns

Restaurant l'Ecrin du Roure


Nestled in the historic building of the Manoir Le Roure, the restaurant «L'écrin du Roure» welcomes its guests all week lunch and evening. On the menu: tasty creations, culinary discoveries, quality products, pleasures of the taste buds...

opening dateFrom 01/01 to 31/12. Closed on Monday.

Planifier votre trajet

Restaurant l'Ecrin du Roure
4312 Route de Saint Paul, 26780 Châteauneuf-du-Rhône
Mon trajet